Channel: Harley-Davidson
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: tyecustom harleyweekpanheadsmithchopperdreamboatdicepaintindianapolissupplybikerestored harlreymotorcyclehead1952sturgisdarkdavidsonhardburnoutpandaytonaprismrestorationwilllievrscamohawkharleyv-rodvrodcustomdynatouringmetalpan headharley-davidsonsoftailsportsterold harleycandflakehddelegationh-dmarkindiana
Description: Watch as Mark Smith shares the story of his father, Tyree “Tye” Smith, his 1952 Harley-Davidson Panhead “Dreamboat” and how he started the first African-American motorcycle club in Indianapolis, Indiana, the Mohawk Delegation. By standing up for his right to own a motorcycle during a time in which it wasn’t culturally acceptable for him to do so, Tye helped to create a ripple effect that is felt to this day. Thank you to the Smith family for allowing us to share Tye’s story. His legacy is bigger than motorcycles, it’s about doing the right thing and standing up for what you believe in - a lesson we can all learn from and support. To learn more about Dreamboat ➡️